Elect Bob Scott & Expose Secrets

If the love of money is the number one root of evil then the love of SECRECY must come in a close second.
Everyone knows of a lapse or error or crime (or good deed) of their own or of someone or some group they want to protect. We try to keep it SECRET. The common ways to keep a secret are to keep it hidden or to lie about it. A little secrecy is good and it smooths our lives. Secrecy in public things is rarely good in the long term- but too many people think their particular secret is an important exception.
There are secrets that I, Bob Scott, want to expose to the public and I will work on these if I am elected US Representative.
1.what is in the fluids used for hydraulic fracturing for natural gas (“fracking” for short).
2.what are the computer programs used in voting machines.
3.what are the ingredients in consumer products.
4.what are the names of the people making big election campaign contributions.
5.what is the stated purpose of election campaign contributions by corporations.
6.I am certain that you, the reader, can give me many more.

I have a favorite story (sort of involving watermelons).
I was working on a project for my company, Shell Chemical, to make Temik insecticide for another company. I found information on toxicity that was disturbing. Temik was very toxic and the solution we would be making was bad enough that if a worker got 4 cubic centimeters (a teaspoon) on the skin and didn’t get it off it would be lethal and the antidote wouldn’t work! The toxicologists were upset that I, who was considering how to design the plant, had found this out. This attitude of the toxicologists led to the federal government legislated requirement for safety data sheets on everything.
The Shell workers handled Temik solutions carefully with protective suits when they put Temik solution in a truck but the truck drivers said that when the trucks were unloaded there were no protective suits (secrecy at work?).
Several years later I read that a large watermelon recall had taken place because Temik was in the watermelons- maybe someone was keeping another secret.


If the love of money is the number one root of evil then the love of SECRECY comes in second.
Everyone knows of a lapse or error or crime (or good deed) of their own or of someone or some group they want to protect. We try to keep it SECRET. The common ways to keep a secret are to keep it hidden or to lie about it. A little secrecy is good and it smooths our lives. Secrecy in public things is rarely good in the long term- but too many people think their particular secret is an important exception.
There are secrets that I, Bob Scott, want to expose to the public and I will work on these if I am elected US Representative.
1.what is in the fluids used for hydraulic fracturing for natural gas ("fracking" for short).
2.what are the computer programs used in voting machines.
3.what are the ingredients in consumer products.
4.what are the names of the people making big election campaign contributions.
5.what is the stated purpose of election campaign contributions by corporations.
6.I am certain that you, the reader, can give me many more.

I have a favorite story (sort of involving watermelons).
I was working on a project for my company, Shell Chemical, to make Temik insecticide for another company. I found information on toxicity that was disturbing. Temik was very toxic and the solution we would be making was bad enough that if a worker got 4 cubic centimeters (a teaspoon) on the skin and didn't get it off it would be lethal and the antidote wouldn't work! The toxicologists were upset that I, who was considering how to design the plant, had found this out. This attitude of the toxicologists led to the federal government legislated requirement for safety data sheets on everything.
The Shell workers handled Temik solutions carefully with protective suits when they put Temik solution in a truck but the truck drivers said that when the trucks were unloaded there were no protective suits (secrecy at work?).
Several years later I read that a large watermelon recall had taken place because Temik was in the  watermelons- maybe someone was keeping another secret.


Look to the Morning Star O Skeptic and Be Wise

Look to the Morning Star O Skeptic and Be Wise

Because its lovely sulfuric acid clouds reflect a lot of light the planet Venus would be colder than our Earth if carbon dioxide wasn’t in both our skies. Both planets have nitrogen in the air but it is carbon dioxide that determines the surface temperatures.
Without carbon dioxide both planets would be below freezing and all earths oceans would be like the Arctic Ocean.
Fortunately for Earthlings we have a little carbon dioxide in our air and it causes our average surface temperature to be a (relatively) toasty 60 degrees F.
The Venusians are not as well off as we on Earth and their air is mostly a lot of carbon dioxide (as in a whole lot of carbon dioxide) and the average surface temperature on Venus might indelicately be described as a “Hellish” 860 degrees F. On Venus our zinc pennies would melt.
People all over the Earth are burning enough coal, oil and natural gas to steadily increase the carbon dioxide percentage in our air and it is not an insignificant amount and it will increase the average temperature of the Earth.
I, Bob Scott, candidate for US Representative, MS chemical engineer, retired Pellissippi professor, who taught heat transfer, agree that it is legitimate to debate the rate of the effects of increasing the carbon dioxide content of the air. It is irresponsible of my opponent, John Duncan, attorney, career politician, to characterize people who understand the problem as “environmental extremists”.
Venus is the brightest morning “star” . Look up to the morning star and then get down to work on Earth to solve the carbon dioxide problem we people have brought upon ourselves- and the first thing to do is elect Bob Scott !!

Bob Scott's photo.
Bob Scott's photo.

Bring Back The Singing Canaries

Bring back the singing canaries (and solve our other drug problems also).

I get a lot of questions about drugs. The United States congress got on the wrong track when they decided in 1914 to treat addicting drugs as criminal problems instead of public health problems and when they later listened to Harry Aslingers opinion on marijuana.

My opinions about drugs have been formed by reading Licit and Illicit Drugs which was published by Consumers Union in 1972..

Alcohol and narcotic addictions are the same addiction and before the restrictions on narcotics, doctors would switch alcoholics to opiates because they were less damaging than alcohol.

Nicotine is so addictive that the remission curves for nicotine addiction and morphine addiction are almost the same.

My grandmother had a singing canary. I am certain marijuana has some effect on the mind because of the demise of canaries as pets. A canary fed on singing canary seed would sing continuously in a delightful trill but when marijuana was removed from the canary food the singing ceased.

I would like to see drug use considered a public health problem ( alcohol and nicotine are the most dangerous drugs in common use). I would like for people who are determined to obtain drugs to be able to obtain them at low cost so they can live their lives without resorting to crime. I would like to be certain that drugs are not diverted to people who are not already using them.

I want the profit removed from drug sales by having the state provide them at less than cost to drive out the criminals who sell drugs and I want severe penalties for anyone who gives their own drugs to another person.

I believe the analytical chemistry technology is available to keep track of individual prescriptions and who they were sold to and if a person is found with drugs that are not theirs the source can be identified.

People who believe in free enterprise and capitalism seem to fail to realize that having law enforcement limit the supply of an addicting drug will result in high prices for the drug and ridiculous profits. Illegal drugs are currently so profitable that they provide money to corrupt law enforcement and even upset governments of other countries.

I fear that dragging out a realistic solution to the drug problems will result finally in a backlash that will result in poor policies and too little control of drugs.

Please elect Bob Scott as US Representative to Congress and help begin a realistic movement to cure the misery caused by our present drug laws.


37000 scientists are wrong indeed

Can over 37000 scientists and climatologists be wrong? In his  Washington Report which he can mail free to all the “residential customers” in the second congressional district my opponent for US Representative writes “Over 37,000 scientists and climatologists have signed a petition stating there is “no convincing scientific evidence” of man made global warming”. My opponent does not have the education or experience to evaluate such a statement– instead he parrots something that reinforces his ideology.

What I have written below is lengthy but my conclusion is “East Tennessee voters , you owe it to the FUTURE OF THE UNITED STATES to send them Bob Scott who will be a US Representative that will work toward solving a real problem now instead of leaving a much worse problem for our grandchildren.”

from Wikipedia:

In 1998, Dr. Frederick Seitz issued a statement and circulated a petition attacking the scientific conclusions underlying international efforts to control emissions of industrial-waste gases. The National Academy of Sciences took the extraordinary step of refuting the position of one its former presidents. Dr. Seitz’s petition was accompanied by an article concluding that emissions of carbon dioxide, the principal greenhouse gas, posed no climatic threat. Instead, the article said, the emissions amounted to “a wonderful and unexpected gift from the Industrial Revolution” by stimulating atmospheric carbon dioxide and increasing plant growth. ( Dr. Seitz was partially correct- green plants LOVE carbon dioxide. When I said that to a biologist friend, he said “Yes, but the carbon dioxide is making the oceans more acid.”) Dr. Frank Press, a successor to Dr. Seitz as president of the National Academy of Sciences and who was also President Jimmy Carter’s science adviser, said that while he and Dr. Seitz were good friends, Dr. Seitz “was not a specialist in this field.”

“Most top scientists in the field disagreed with him, I among them,” Dr. Press said.

I, Bob Scott, looked up the list of 31,487 American scientists and the first thing I saw was Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb, had signed! Edward Teller is the poster boy because Edward Teller is the real thing! BUT I then looked up what Edward Teller had published on the topic of global warming:

” In recent years, consideration of the possible warming of the climate due to the injection into the atmosphere of ”greenhouse gases,” particularly carbon dioxide, CO2, has motivated proposals to impose international limitations of the burning of fossil fuels, particularly ones yielding less heating-value per gram of CO2 released, such as coal. The starting point of the present paper is the widely-appreciated fact that increases in average world-wide temperature of the magnitude currently predicted can be canceled by preventing about 1% of incoming solar radiation – insolation – from reaching the Earth. This could be done by scattering into space from the vicinity of the Earth an appropriately small fraction of total insolation. If performed near- optimally, we believe that the total cost of such an enhanced scattering operation would probably be at most $1 billion per year…..”

EDWARD TELLER THOUGHT GLOBAL WARMING WAS A PROBLEM and he was proposing to suspend particles in space to cut out some solar radiation to solve the problem.

We have people in East Tennessee who are experts and I think their consensus is we need to stop the release of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels AND do something in the atmosphere or in space to cut out some solar radiation.

East Tennessee voters , you owe it to the FUTURE OF THE UNITED STATES to send them Bob Scott who will be a US Representative that will work toward solving a real problem now instead of leaving a much worse problem for our grandchildren.


Reverse the March to Plutocracy!

As Benjamin Franklin left the constitutional convention he was asked “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”
Benjamin Franklin replied “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
Was he thinking of what happened to the Roman republic that worked well for many years? It became a plutocracy.
Our United States republic uses controlled capitalism as an economic system and it has enabled us to get where we are.
Uncontrolled capitalism has an inherent flaw. The driving force behind capitalism is individual greed– a powerful force indeed but a driving force that is based on individual greed will not always lead to good results. Uncontrolled capitalism leads to
(1) the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
(2) the economy going through periods of great expansion and prosperity (desirable) and grinding depression (untenable).
The rich tend to use their wealth to rule the republic and the rule of the rich is called plutocracy.
What can control capitalism for the mutual good? A strong central government regulating in necessary areas and a way to redistribute the wealth. The problem of wealth concentration has been recognized from antiquity- the ancient Jews had a year of jubilee every fifty years when wealth was redistributed.
In our day, a progressive income tax is a very good way to keep the economy going well and control the gap between the rich and the poor (along with a reasonable inheritance tax). The congressmen who signed the Grover Norquist pledge- Jimmy Duncan is one of them- took away from consideration a tool for progress.  Bob Scott– if elected to congress- will add a voice of thoughtful realistic analysis of the needs of our country unimpeded by adherence to flawed ideology.
The TEA Party, (Taxed Enough Already party), should be renamed the Plutocracy Union (PU) because of their shrill deception and devotion to a flawed ideology.
The march to plutocracy includes keeping the poor from voting and if you don’t vote you are falling into the plan of the plutocrats.
Bob Scott will help turn the United States back from the march to plutocracy but only if EVERY INDIVIDUAL CASTS AN INFORMED VOTE!

Bob Scott's photo.
Bob Scott's photo.
Bob Scott's photo.

Bob Scott Met Another Scott

Bob Scott met another Scott
I was in Milwaukee for several days testing a piece of equipment at the Allis Chalmers plant. One of the Allis Chalmers workers introduced himself to me- his last name was Scott and he was from Tennessee. I asked him why he moved up north. He had been a farm worker inTennessee and he liked it there but the use of Premerge in the cotton fields had eliminated the need for hand cultivation. He could still get a job as a tractor driver but there was no longer any work for his children.

An agricultural tractor driver might have made minimum wage but he had had to rely on all his children working for his family to survive in Tennessee. He was working as a laborer but it was probably a union plant and he could support his family.

What is underlying this story?

What has happened since then?

I knew about Premerge. That was a brand of trifluralin which is still used today to kill weeds in cotton. My company, Shell Chemical Company, made a competing product. The cotton farmers could save a lot of money by using trifluralin and firing all the people who had been cultivating the cotton. The chemical companies could make money selling trifluralin. The people who had been cultivating cotton were left out and did not share in the benefits of trifluralin ( which is currently under suspicion).
Most of the people who had been cultivating cotton were descendants of the slaves who had been the people who had been cultivating cotton since cotton began. They had been kept subjugated and uneducated so they would be happy working on the southern farms and they were happy and they worked hard. Now they were no longer needed. Alabama governor George Wallace offered a box lunch and a bus ticket to a northern city to any black person who wanted to leave Alabama. Being a black person in the south without a job was grim and in the northern cities there was at least had some hope of survival. I remember Life magazine had an article about a child with a southern accent in a northern city.
Today the Allis Chalmers plant is gone along with much of the northern industry that built the United States and with it the good jobs. The people who used to be southern farm workers were sent on their way without any compassion- much less help in adapting to new circumstances. There are reasons for things being as they are now and we need creative and realistic ways of advancing our country. Unfortunately the Republican incumbent congressmen have shown little (none?) in the last congress.  

Bob Scott is seeking election to the US House of Representatives. Please help Bob Scott by sharing his Facebook,  Twitter , Instagram, Youtube and webpage postings.


twitter     @BobScott2014

Instagram       BobScottforCongress


Web Site     BobScottforCongress.com

Don’t Return To The Golden Age

Half a century of John Duncans in congress has resulted in a Tennessee congressman who wants to return the United States to the gold standard.

There are other, more ancient kinds of money he could consider. From Wikipedia:   “Rai, or stone money (Yapese: raay), are large, circular stone disks carved out of limestone formed from aragonite and calcite crystals. Rai stones were quarried on several of the Micronesian islands, mainly Palau, but briefly on Guam as well, and transported for use as money to the island of Yap. They have been used in trade by the Yapese as a form of currency. While the monetary system of Yap appears to use these giant stones as tokens, in fact it relies on an oral history of ownership. Being too large to move, buying an item with these stones is as easy as saying it no longer belongs to you. As long as the transaction is recorded in the oral history, it will now be owned by the person you passed it on to—no physical movement of the stone is required.”

The last sentence in the above quote is telling. “no physical movement of the stone is required.” When gold is used as a standard, the gold typically stays in Fort Knox and “As long as the transaction is recorded in the oral (computer memory) history, it will now be owned by the person you passed it on to—no physical movement of the stone (gold) is required.” There could be an empty gold vault or a plaster replica of a Yap stone and the money system would continue to work.

Our money today is numbers in bank computers and those numbers have value because the United States government declares they have value. The dollar is legal tender in the United States. The value will remain as long as the United States government exists (and no longer). As a bad example the Confederate States of America dollar value disapeared along with the Confederate States of America. The key to managing the United States (and the world) fiscal problems resides in how numbers in bank computers are handled.

My question is this “Are there creative ways to take advantage of modern computer technology to move our country into a new financial era that will result in steady vigorous economic growth without the cycles of inflation and recession and with adequate money for government services?”

The answer to my question is a resounding “NO!” if our US Representatives are trying to move our financial system back into a past of heady booms followed by devastating long term depressions.

The answer to my question is a resounding “YES!” if we elect congressmen with intelligence, creativity, foresight and willingness to change. Bob Scott, congressional candidate, is a member of Mensa, full of new ideas, bought Apple computer number 11401 and a 2003 Honda Civic hybrid and left the chemical industry at age 40 to go into teaching.

Please help me overcome the financial, name recognition and inertial advantages of my opponent by spreading my messages on the internet. I believe an unhindered internet will insure the future of democratic elections- can it start now?

Bebob’s Rolls Recipe

The Democratic Chemical Engineer Congressional Candidate Roll Recipe
(Better Known as “Bebob’s Rolls” )

I, Bob Scott, asked my mother, Katherine for the recipe for the wonderful rolls she made when I was a boy and she couldn’t remember it but she said it came from an All-Bran cereal box. My mother quit making rolls because they took a lot of work (hand kneaded) and her children ate them voraciously.
So I experimented with making dough in our bread machine. I wanted fat free and sugar free rolls- so I added no fat and relied on the yeast to eliminate the sugar. I am a chemical engineer so I didn’t mind adding a non-nutritive sweetener (my wife of 53 years, Julia told me the amount of sweetener to use- I respect her opinion about sweetness since she is my sweetheart). To get fiber in the bread I did what my mother had passed on to me and added All-Bran cereal. Since I have worked in chemical laboratories for years, I measured everything with a scale and I measured in GRAMS! This is where most cooks turn to another recipe- teaspoons and cups were what Eve used after she left the garden.
My friend Fred said that in baking school everything is measured by weight so I am in the forefront. When you buy a scale get one that measures negative weights as well as positive and use the gram scale. There are some good inexpensive scales available but some of the kitchen scales do not measure negative weights.

Putting aside the preamble, here are the instructions:

I put the breadpan on the scale and set the scale to zero ( push the tare button)
honey 38 grams
set the scale to zero
water 380 grams ( yes, I weigh the water )
set the scale to zero
All-Bran 54 grams +/- a few grams
whole wheat flour 100 grams +/- a few grams (total is now154 grams)
bread flour to make a total of 540 grams of flour and All-Bran
add some salt (I put some in the palm of my hand and toss it in)
add about 1gram of stevia ( a little less than a level teaspoon?)( I formerly used Splenda)
add a package of yeast ( actually half a package really works as well)

I set the bread machine for dough and roll out the rolls when the machine is finished ( you can see that I sometimes have help).
I make about 40 Parkerhouse rolls and let them rise for an hour in our warming drawer on a cookie sheet. If you don’t have a warming drawer (or never use it) you have to find a warm place for the rolls to rise. In the days before warming drawers I used an oven turned down VERY low.

I cook the rolls at 350 degrees for 12 minutes and then let my wife, Julia, decide if they need to cook a little longer. Since Julia is not always available, you may have to make the call yourself. ( I have a tendency to overcook the rolls- I call it thoroughness.)

The rolls are famous as “Bebob’s rolls”. My name is Bob Scott and one day my young grandson Calvin called me “Bob”. I said “Calvin , you can call me grandfather.” Calvin said “No, grandfather you will be bob.” So I am still Bebob to some of my favorite people.

I have grandchildren who consider the rolls a delicacy to be gorged on just like I considered my mother’s rolls so many years ago ( pardon my teary eyes).

I, Bob Scott, am a candidate for U.S. Representative in the Second Congressional District in Tennessee and my well financed opponent’s dynasty has ruled the seat for half a century. My opponent feeds the multitudes barbecue but I say “feed a person barbecue and they will be filled once but teach them to make rolls and their cook will keep them fed for a lifetime.”

I m am reposting this with a picture of the process.

The Democratic Chemical Engineer Congressional Candidate Roll Recipe
                        (Better Known as “Bebob’s Rolls” )

I, Bob Scott, asked my mother, Katherine for the recipe for the wonderful rolls she made when I was a boy and she couldn’t remember it but she said it came from an All-Bran cereal box. My mother quit making rolls because they took a lot of work (hand kneaded) and her children ate them voraciously.
So I experimented with making dough in our bread machine. I wanted fat free and sugar free rolls- so I added no fat and relied on the yeast to eliminate the sugar. I am a chemical engineer so I didn’t mind adding a non-nutritive sweetener (my wife of 53 years, Julia told me the amount of sweetener to use- I respect her opinion about sweetness since she is my sweetheart). To get fiber in the bread I did what my mother had passed on to me and added All-Bran cereal. Since I have worked in chemical laboratories for years, I measured everything with a scale and I measured in GRAMS! This is where most cooks turn to another recipe- teaspoons and cups were what Eve used after she left the garden.
My friend Fred said that in baking school everything is measured by weight so I am in the forefront. When you buy a scale get one that measures negative weights as well as positive and use the gram scale. There are some good inexpensive scales available but some of the kitchen scales do not measure negative weights.

Putting aside the preamble, here are the instructions:

I put the breadpan on the scale and set the scale to zero ( push the tare button)
honey 38 grams
set the scale to zero
water 380 grams ( yes, I weigh the water )
set the scale to zero
All-Bran 54 grams +/- a few grams
whole wheat flour 100 grams +/- a few grams (total is now154 grams)
bread flour to make a total of 540 grams of flour and All-Bran
add some salt (I put some in the palm of my hand and toss it in)
add about 1gram of stevia ( a little less than a level teaspoon?)( I formerly used Splenda)
add a package of yeast ( actually half a package really works as well)

I set the bread machine for dough and roll out the rolls when the machine is finished ( you can see that I sometimes have help).
I make about 40 Parkerhouse rolls and let them rise for an hour in our warming drawer on a cookie sheet. If you don’t have a warming drawer (or never use it) you have to find a warm place for the rolls to rise. In the days before warming drawers I used an oven turned down VERY low.

I cook the rolls at 350 degrees for 12 minutes and then let my wife, Julia, decide if they need to cook a little longer. Since Julia is not always available, you may have to make the call yourself. ( I have a tendency to overcook the rolls- I call it thoroughness.)

The rolls are famous as “Bebob’s rolls”. My name is Bob Scott and one day my young grandson Calvin called me “Bob”. I said “Calvin , you can call me grandfather.” Calvin said “No, grandfather you will be bob.” So I am still Bebob to some of my favorite people.

I have grandchildren who consider the rolls a delicacy to be gorged on just like I considered my mother’s rolls so many years ago ( pardon my teary eyes).

I, Bob Scott, am a candidate for U.S. Representative in the Second Congressional District in Tennessee and my well financed opponent’s dynasty has ruled the seat for half a century. My opponent feeds the multitudes barbecue but I say “feed a person barbecue and they will be filled once but teach them to make rolls and their cook will keep them fed for a lifetime.”

In making a bread loaf I cut the amounts, make dough in the bread machine, transfer the dough to a bread pan, let it rise in the warming drawer and cook for 35 minutes at 350 degrees after the dough has risen above the top of the bread pan.
Honey 34 gams
Water 342 grams
All-Bran cereal 48 grams
Whole wheat flour 90 grams
Bread flour to total of 486 grams of All-Bran and flour.