I , Bob Scott, am certain every congressional candidate gets several of these post cards:
Dear candidate: More than fifty-six million innocent and defenseless unborn babies have been legally killed by abortion since 1973.
Congress has a solemn responsibility to defend the Sanctity of Life and protect the unborn.
That’s why I urge you to pledge 100% support for the Sanctity of Life on the Candidate Survey you recently received from the National Pro-Life Alliance.
Signed, Nell
My reply is this.
Dear Nell: Probably more than fifty-six million innocent and defenseless unborn babies would have been ILLEGALLY killed by abortion since 1973 if abortions had been against the law and 5000 pregnant women would also have been killed in botched abortions.
I looked up the National Pro-Life Alliance and their goal is to make abortions illegal. Desperate women have found a way to abort an unwanted pregnancy where abortions are illegal. If you really want to prevent women from aborting pregnancies then work to provide realistic sex education, free contraceptives, compassionate counseling and generous financial support to mothers- and when necessary, safe abortion facilities. You will have to give up the idea of throwing it all on desperate pregnant women and you will need to accept paying higher taxes to really demonstrate that you accept a solemn responsibility to defend the sanctity of life and protect the unborn.
President Obama has done more to reduce the number of abortions-by including contraceptives in the Affordable Care Act- than any other person our country has ever seen.
That is why I urge you to pledge !00% support for me, US Representative candidate Bob Scott, and other candidates who will work to defeat the National Pro-Life Alliance attempt to revert to a failed policy and who ,instead, wish to use the resources of our country to support women who want plan their families and raise healthy children in a good environment.
Bob Scott ,candidate for US Representative in the Tennessee Second Congressional District