
The Nature of Existence

Existence is. Things happen in existence – and that is profound. This is one thing people will never understand.

Existence is infinite. Existence has never had a beginning and will never have an end.

The chemistry and physics that our senses detect lie in three dimensions but existence is infinite in distance , time, and probably in the number of dimensions. We think ours is the lowest dimension but there may be an infinite number of lower dimensions that probably do not have chemistry and we will never have a way to detect them. There may be an infinite number of higher dimensions that may or may not have chemistry and we currently have no way to detect them. (I am saying the fourth dimension is a higher dimension than the third dimension.) There is certainly a fourth dimension that effects us and probably a fifth and sixth dimension that effects us.

The total of everything in existence is zero. For every thing in existence its exact opposite thing also exists (for every up there is a down, for every in there is an out, for every positive there is a negative , for every left there is right , for every clockwise there is a counterclockwise– you get the idea) and was formed simultaneously with it and when it meets an exact opposite thing both thing and its opposite thing will disappear. Fortunately for us opposites can exist near each other for a long time.

Existence is steady state. Everything that possibly can happen has happened in every possible sequence an infinite number of times (but some things more than others). All things that can possibly be created are being created continuously and an equal number of things that have been created are ending continuously (some things take a long time to disappear).

There is no such thing as a particle. Everything that appears to be a particle in one dimension is a wave in the particles in the next higher dimension.

The Nature of Our Universe

I postulate that our universe is a pair of hollow hyperspherical waves in fourth dimensional particles expanding away from an initial point at the speed of light in the fourth dimension.The two waves are the opposite of each other – if they were combined there would be nothing left but (fortunately for us) they do not combine in such a way as to disappear (at least not yet). I call them the universe and the negaverse. The wave length of the universe is probably twice the Planck length and the universe has been recreated about 1.59E+61 times (with many more to go) during the 13.8 billion years of its existence.

Our two hyperspherical waves probably started from a single pointlike disturbance. With each wave cycle the universe creates a new negaverse one wave length further from the initial point and the negaverse creates a new universe one wave length further from the initial point. Ad infinitum. In our universe the principle of linear superposition holds – at least generally.

I believe the universe was initially two tiny parallel continuous hyperspheres made of small particles – half of them electrically positive and half of them electrically negative. Each pair of particles created similar pairs of particles as the universe expanded outward from its starting point at the speed of light. For some reason the universe broke continuity (when it was about the size of a softball?). The universe did not have any energy prior to its break in continuity but in the disorder following the breakup the attraction between the positive and negative particles and the velocity that resulted caused the creation of the energy of the universe.


Time only means that something happened. It will never happen again. Something exactly like it may occur after it. The reverse may occur. But that only means that the thing and its duplicate and its reverse have all happened. Our concept and perception of time is a comparison between what happened and cycles we are aware of that occurred while it was happening. Our concept of a day is obviously the appearance and disappearance of the sun every day. For greater precision in time we compare things that happen with cycle times of light emitted from atoms. But all of our calculations involving time use units that can be converted to seconds which were originally based on the solar day.

Nothing happens to time when an object approaches the speed of light because time is not anything – cycles can speed up or slow down and we measure the change in cycle time by comparison with other cycles.

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