37000 scientists are wrong indeed

Can over 37000 scientists and climatologists be wrong? In his  Washington Report which he can mail free to all the “residential customers” in the second congressional district my opponent for US Representative writes “Over 37,000 scientists and climatologists have signed a petition stating there is “no convincing scientific evidence” of man made global warming”. My opponent does not have the education or experience to evaluate such a statement– instead he parrots something that reinforces his ideology.

What I have written below is lengthy but my conclusion is “East Tennessee voters , you owe it to the FUTURE OF THE UNITED STATES to send them Bob Scott who will be a US Representative that will work toward solving a real problem now instead of leaving a much worse problem for our grandchildren.”

from Wikipedia:

In 1998, Dr. Frederick Seitz issued a statement and circulated a petition attacking the scientific conclusions underlying international efforts to control emissions of industrial-waste gases. The National Academy of Sciences took the extraordinary step of refuting the position of one its former presidents. Dr. Seitz’s petition was accompanied by an article concluding that emissions of carbon dioxide, the principal greenhouse gas, posed no climatic threat. Instead, the article said, the emissions amounted to “a wonderful and unexpected gift from the Industrial Revolution” by stimulating atmospheric carbon dioxide and increasing plant growth. ( Dr. Seitz was partially correct- green plants LOVE carbon dioxide. When I said that to a biologist friend, he said “Yes, but the carbon dioxide is making the oceans more acid.”) Dr. Frank Press, a successor to Dr. Seitz as president of the National Academy of Sciences and who was also President Jimmy Carter’s science adviser, said that while he and Dr. Seitz were good friends, Dr. Seitz “was not a specialist in this field.”

“Most top scientists in the field disagreed with him, I among them,” Dr. Press said.

I, Bob Scott, looked up the list of 31,487 American scientists and the first thing I saw was Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb, had signed! Edward Teller is the poster boy because Edward Teller is the real thing! BUT I then looked up what Edward Teller had published on the topic of global warming:

” In recent years, consideration of the possible warming of the climate due to the injection into the atmosphere of ”greenhouse gases,” particularly carbon dioxide, CO2, has motivated proposals to impose international limitations of the burning of fossil fuels, particularly ones yielding less heating-value per gram of CO2 released, such as coal. The starting point of the present paper is the widely-appreciated fact that increases in average world-wide temperature of the magnitude currently predicted can be canceled by preventing about 1% of incoming solar radiation – insolation – from reaching the Earth. This could be done by scattering into space from the vicinity of the Earth an appropriately small fraction of total insolation. If performed near- optimally, we believe that the total cost of such an enhanced scattering operation would probably be at most $1 billion per year…..”

EDWARD TELLER THOUGHT GLOBAL WARMING WAS A PROBLEM and he was proposing to suspend particles in space to cut out some solar radiation to solve the problem.

We have people in East Tennessee who are experts and I think their consensus is we need to stop the release of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels AND do something in the atmosphere or in space to cut out some solar radiation.

East Tennessee voters , you owe it to the FUTURE OF THE UNITED STATES to send them Bob Scott who will be a US Representative that will work toward solving a real problem now instead of leaving a much worse problem for our grandchildren.


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